Defending Democracy in the Digital Age

On the occasion of the 77th convening of the U.N. General Assembly, Google partnered with Foreign Policy to explore the question, “How can we foster greater connectivity in an increasingly fractured world?” This multi-component project included support for FP’s Tech Forum, research from FP Analytics, and insights from Kent Walker, Google’s President of Global Affairs. … Continued

Expanding Digital Inclusion for Aging Populations

DOWNLOADABLE SYNTHESIS REPORT Expanding Digital Inclusion for Aging Populations Internet connectivity for older adults is crucial for digital equity and socioeconomic wellbeing By FP Analytics, in partnership with AARP Wide-reaching infrastructure, integrating inclusive design elements, and providing digital skills training are essential to making modern technology work for older adults. Overcoming key challenges in these … Continued

Defending Democracy in the Digital Age

An FP Analytics issue brief, supported by Google The aftermath of the Cold War saw the unprecedented advancement of democracy worldwide, but troubling trends of democratic backsliding have shaped the past decade globally. Myanmar, Hungary, Brazil, and the Philippines are just a few examples of countries where authoritarianism has flourished at the expense of democracy. … Continued

The Compounding Economic Dividends of Global Health Investment

DOWNLOADABLE ISSUE BRIEF The Compounding Economic Dividends of Global Health Investment How investing in global health and health systems can strengthen local economies By FP Analytics, in partnership with The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria The COVID-19 pandemic has served as a costly reminder of the deep interconnection between global public health … Continued

FP Virtual Dialogue: Toward Zero-Emission Power

Nuclear power could play a crucial role in helping achieve net-zero, but a lack of political will and under-developed national strategies are holding back the development and deployment of advanced nuclear technologies. Increasing the share of nuclear power could offer a crucial way for developed countries to decarbonize their grids and for developing countries to … Continued

The Voices We Need to Hear: Lessons from the 2021 Her Power Summit

The Her Power summit, which took place over two mornings on October 26 and 27, 2021, brought together leading women from the public and private sectors for discussions on a wide range of topics, including sustainability, climate change, health, and education. Throughout these discussions, participants came back to the key idea that the COVID-19 pandemic … Continued

Fomentando la Resiliencia en el Norte de Centroamérica

Desarrollado por FP Analytics, la división de investigación interna de Foreign Policy, en colaboración con World Vision U.S. y el Banco Mundial [Read this synthesis report in English.] Los simulacros de FP son programas interactivos basados en escenarios que ofrecen a los participantes la oportunidad de hacer frente a los desafíos en la gestión de … Continued

Stakeholders Must Work Together to Ensure Detection Technology Keeps Pace

Five years ago, computer scientist Hao Li in an optimistic TedX talk praised the limitless potential of computer-generated videos that replicate humans onscreen.  Four years later, Li struck a more ominous tone at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Questioned about the dangers posed by artificial intelligence-synthesized media — better known as “deepfake” videos … Continued

Will AI Embolden the Criminals or Can It Help Us Thwart Cyber Threats?

Would-be hackers — especially those backed by or working for adversarial countries — are learning how to amplify their attacks through machine-learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Backdoor poisoning attacks are on the rise as cybercriminals inject contaminated information into the data used to train machine-learning models to respond to intrusions. If these hackers are successful, … Continued