FP Analytics is Foreign Policy’s independent research and advisory division.

Power Maps and Interactive Microsites

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FPA can work with your team to produce both in-depth proprietary research and public-facing thought leadership platforms —including in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis, custom microsites, live events, and multi-media promotions.

Combating Lung Cancer Across the Asia Pacific

Mobilizing Investments to Maximize Health Outcomes

Global Health, Supply Chains, Technology, Finance

Pulling Sideways

Defense, Resources, Supply Chains, Energy, Technology, Climate

Safeguarding Childhood

Global Health, Gender & Equity, Finance

The Final Frontier: Outer Space Security & Governance

Technology, Defense, Resources

Future of Money

Technology, Finance

The Biden Power Map

Climate, Defense, Global Health, Gender & Equity

Arctic Competition

Climate, Resources, Defense

Data Governance

Technology, Defense

5G Explained


Securing Our Digital Future


More Power Maps + Fewer Power Maps

Issue Briefs

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FPA can work with your team to produce both in-depth proprietary research and public-facing thought leadership platforms —including in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis, custom microsites, live events, and multi-media promotions.

Protecting Biodiversity and Driving Development Through Women’s Leadership

Gender & Equity, Climate

Harnessing Climate-Resilient Agriculture as a Force Multiplier for Climate and Development Goals

Climate, Technology

Defend, Attribute, Punish: Deterring Cyber Warfare in the Age of AI – Digital Front Lines

Defense, Technology

Transforming Water Security through Women’s Leadership

Gender & Equity, Climate, Global Health

Catalyzing Impact at COP28

Climate, Energy, Finance

Accelerating Nature-Based Solutions to Climate Change Through Women’s Leadership

Gender & Equity, Climate

Toward a Paradigm Shift on Mental Health in Latin America

Global Health

Strengthening Supply Chain Resilience to Safeguard Health in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Supply Chains, Global Health, Gender & Equity

The Road to 2030

Supply Chains, Global Health

Digital Inclusion for All


Unleashing the Economic Potential of Older Women

Gender & Equity

Delivering on Climate Justice

Climate, Finance, Gender & Equity

The Compounding Economic Dividends of Global Health Investment

Global Health, Finance

Ensuring Greater Sustainability in Health Care

Climate, Global Health

Revitalizing Multilateralism in the Face of Compounding Global Crises

Climate, Finance, Resources

Defending Democracy in the Digital Age


The Investment Case for Transforming Health Care to Act Early on Non-Communicable Diseases

Global Health, Finance

Assessing the Potential National Security Impacts of U.S. Tech Regulation


The Evolution of Cyber Operations in Armed Conflict

The digital domain is increasingly a battleground for state and nonstate actors who are leveraging capabilities in cyberspace to advance strategic geopolitical goals.

Defense, Technology

Cross-cutting Responses to Strengthen Ukraine's Digital Resilience

How various international stakeholders have worked together to mitigate cyberattacks in the ongoing hybrid war.

Strategies to Deter and Respond to Cyber Operations in Conflict

International cooperation is integral to solve key challenges and reduce socioeconomic and geopolitical risks.

Economic Competitiveness and U.S. Tech Regulation: Assessing the Potential Impacts


Mobilizing Financing for Inclusive Development

Climate, Finance, Resources, Gender & Equity

The Eyes Above: The Implications of Geospatial Data for Responding to Crises


Human Rights & Older Persons

Gender & Equity

More Issue Briefs + Fewer Issue Briefs

FP Simulations & PeaceGames

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FP’s Simulations and PeaceGames convene leading minds in national security policy, international affairs, academia, business and industry, and civil society to “game” out pathways to more effectively mitigate and collaboratively manage complex crises and cross-border risks. Applying FPA’s rigorous research capabilities to the ideation and production of scenario-based crisis simulations, these interactive engagements facilitate innovative thinking to help meet partners’ diplomatic, strategic, or business objectives. FP’s Simulations and PeaceGames are held in person as well as on a bespoke virtual platform that enables simultaneous participation from around the world. They can be closed-door or as part of a public forum.

A World Without Antibiotics – Confronting the Global AMR Challenge

In 2024, FP Analytics hosted an interactive simulation focused on the complex and cross-border challenges that growing antimicrobial resistance present to global health and health systems. Held on the eve of the high-level meetings on AMR at UNGA79, this invitation-only event brought together leaders across global health, finance, and security to work through a research-based scenario. The project was supported by AMR Action Fund, CARB-X, Cepheid, Merck, Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs Antimicrobial Resistance Working Group, Pfizer, and Viatris.

Fighting “Smart” Pandemics

Recent advances in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to biotechnology could help ensure that the next pandemic kills far fewer people—or that it kills vastly more. In February 2024, FPA partnered with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the Munich Security Conference (MSC) to produce a simulation, “Fighting ‘Smart’ Pandemics,” which highlighted the intersection of AI and biosecurity as a key priority area warranting deeper and sustained engagement from global leaders.

Maneuvering Towards Space Sustainability

Space activities are accelerating at a rapid pace, ushering in a range of opportunities for humanity while posing new global challenges in sustainability, security, and governance. Recognizing that deepening international, cross-sectoral partnerships will be vital to mitigating risks and harnessing opportunities in space, Foreign Policy partnered with Amazon and the Net Zero Space Initiative to host a simulation during the 2023 Paris Peace Forum.

Battling Biothreats: Strengthening Crisis Preparedness to Safeguard Biosecurity

In 2023, FP Analytics partnered with Emergent BioSolutions to produce a series of three simulations, which were held on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) and in Washington, D.C., focused on a hypothetical biosecurity crisis with cascading impacts on global health, public trust, food security, and regional stability.

Enhancing Cyber-Nuclear Security: Strengthening Global Energy, Food, and Health Systems

On October 21, 2022, FP Analytics partnered with Schmidt Futures to hold an in-person simulation in Washington, D.C. to tackle complex, transnational security issues. The researched-based hypothetical scenario challenged Schmidt Futures' International Strategy Forum (ISF) Fellows to tackle threats posed by emerging technologies to global cybersecurity, energy security, emergency prepardness, food security and trade, and mis- and disinformation.

Climate & Food Security in the Asia Pacific

For the second consecutive year, FP Analytics and World Vision partnered to hold a virtual simulation featuring a research-based hypothetical scenario grounded in a multi-sector framework for assessing risk and fostering resilience across the humanitarian, development, and peace nexus. The 2022 simulation challenged participants from around the world to tackle the complex political, socio-economic, and environmental factors that are eroding livelihoods, increasing human and ecosystem vulnerability, and contributing to conflict and migration in the Asia-Pacific region, specifically near Bangladesh, Myanmar, and India.

Space and Maritime Security in the South China Sea

As part of a special collaboration, FP Analytics and the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA) developed the Future Diplomats PeaceGame to engage and train the next generation of foreign policy leaders. In 2021, over 20 young diplomats from 14 countries participated in FP's custom-built Virtual PeaceGame Platform for an immersive and interactive simulation that challenged participants to grapple with the international security and governance issues emerging from the development of advanced weapons and technologies in space.

More Simulations + Fewer Simulations

FP Analytics provides in-depth data-driven analysis and comprehensive assessments and mapping of the economic, technological, and geopolitical trends shaping our world. The Graphics Database is a powerful tool for businesses, government officials, and others seeking to understand and strategically navigate the evolving geopolitical landscape.


In-Depth Special Reports

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FPA produces a range of Special Reports at the intersection of technology, regulation, and geopolitics that provide insight into critical market access and competitiveness issues

Securing Critical Minerals in Washington State

Climate, Energy, Resources

Digital Front Lines

Defense, Technology

Semiconductors and the U.S.-China Innovation Race

Technology, Defense

Securing Our Digital Future

Technology, Defense

Critical Minerals Considerations for Building Out a Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub

Climate, Energy, Resources

Investing in Resilience from the Ground Up

Climate, Resources, Gender & Equity

Innovation and Leadership in Healthy Aging

Gender & Equity

Elevating Gender Equality in COVID-19 Economic Recovery

Gender & Equity

Women as Levers of Change

Gender & Equity

Toward Deep Decarbonization

Climate, Technology, Resources

Environment, Fragility & Conflict

Climate, Resources, Gender & Equity

Global Finance and Management of Climate-Related Risk

Climate, Finance, Gender & Equity

Firm Zero-Emission Power

Climate, Technology, Resources

Navigating Through Turbulence

Resources, Gender & Equity

The Global Race to Vaccinate

Global Health

The COVID-19 Global Response Index

Global Health

Planning for Aging Societies

Global Health, Gender & Equity

Cybersecurity and U.S. Election Infrastructure


Climate & Security

Climate, Resources, Defense

The Her Power Index

Gender & Equity

Mining the Future

Resources, Defense

More Special Reports + Fewer Special Reports

Synthesis Reports

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Synthesis Reports summarize the key insights and takeaways from FP’s events, summits, and simulations. These help to establish our partners’ thought leadership on critical issues, garner additional coverage and attention for the events, and serve as a record of the highlights and action items from the event.

Collaborative Action to Address Global Challenges

Global Health, Resources, Climate

Fighting ‘Smart’ Pandemics

Mitigating Risks and Harnessing the Potential of AI for Biosecurity

Technology, Defense, Global Health, Resources

Cybersecurity & AI: Fortifying Critical Infrastructure in the Digital Era

Technology, Defense

Strengthening Actionable Intelligence from AI, Big Data, and Advanced Tech


Battling Biothreats

Global Health, Supply Chains, Defense

Strengthening Diagnostics to Improve Global Health Care Resilience

Global Health

Enhancing Cyber-Nuclear Security

Energy, Defense, Technology

From Fragility to Resilience

Supply Chains, Global Health, Climate

Mobilizing Action to Scale Carbon Removal Solutions

Climate, Energy

FP Tech Forum

Fostering greater connectivity in an increasingly fractured world


FP Global Health Forum

Global Health, Climate, Supply Chains

FP Virtual Dialogue: Toward Zero-Emission Power

Climate, Resources

A People-Centered Approach to Conservation

Resources, Climate

Fostering Resilience in Northern Central America – FP Analytics

Climate, Finance, Resources, Global Health, Gender & Equity

Women in Global Health Security High-Level Digital Summit Synthesis Report

Global Health, Gender & Equity

Superbugs, Infectious Diseases, and Solutions for Healthier Societies

Global Health

The Voices We Need to Hear: Lessons from the 2021 Her Power Summit

Gender & Equity

More Synthesis Reports + Fewer Synthesis Reports

Insight Briefs & Spotlights

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Short-form analysis on today’s most pressing issues

Ensuring Global Abortion Access in an Evolving Geopolitical Landscape

Global Health, Gender & Equity

Advancing Gender Equity in Eye Health

Gender & Equity, Global Health

Strengthening Global Health In the Face of Climate Change

Climate, Global Health, Technology

Gender & Equity, Global Health

Responsible Deployment of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care

Global Health, Technology

Addressing the Impacts of Food Loss and Waste

Climate Change, Food Security, and the Global Economy

Climate, Supply Chains

The Security and Climate Nexus

Climate, Supply Chains, Energy

Climate Finance and Geostrategic Interests in the Pacific

Climate, Supply Chains, Defense

How Climate Change and War are Compounding Food Insecurity

Climate, Supply Chains, Defense

The Impact of Export Controls on the Semiconductor Shortage

Supply Chains, Technology

Russia's Removal from SWIFT and the Future of Commerce

Finance, Defense

Is it Time for a Digital Dollar?

Finance, Technology

More Spotlights + Fewer Spotlights

FP Analytics Staff

Allison Carlson

executive vice president, FP ANALYTICS & FP EVENTS

Specialization: Policy and geopolitical risk analysis, emerging technology and regulation, trade and investment, strategy development, mixed methods research

Mayesha Alam, Ph.D.

Senior Vice President of Research

Specialization: Conflict and security, climate change, gender, health, qualitative and mixed methods research


Isabel Schmidt

Senior Policy and Research Analyst

Specialization: Gender, demographic change and ageing, fragile states, climate change, health, qualitative research

Andrew Doris

Senior Policy and Research Analyst

Specialization: Emerging technology, international security, great power
competition, U.S. grand strategy, defense policy and budget, immigration,
mixed methods research

Angeli Juani

Senior Policy and Quantitative Analyst

Specialization: Tech policy, AI ethics, international trade, international development, cost-benefit analysis, quantitative methods research

Muhamed Sulejmanagic

Graduate Research Assistant

 Specialization: Tech policy, climate change, disinformation, emerging technology, qualitative research

FP Analytics also draws on contributions from global experts and affiliate researchers

FP AnalyticsForeign Policy’s research and advisory division, does more than deliver in-depth research, scenario planning, and actionable intelligence on evolving policy, markets, and technology trends — it positions public and private-sector clients at the forefront of policy-shaping discussions.

With expertise in critical sectors like energy, climate, trade, and global finance, FP Analytics combines quantitative and qualitative analysis to inform clients’ strategic planning and investment decisions and support them to more effectively engage with stakeholders and demonstrate thought leadership. FPA’s research and analysis can be combined with FP Events to further elevate thought leadership and drive action-oriented dialogue on pressing global issues.